相容れぬ二人 Oil and Water
ディミトリ: ……市街の軍は殲滅した。彼女を討てば……この戦争は終わる。
Dimitri: We have annihilated Enbarr's army. If we strike her down now, this war will finally be over.
I imagine she intends to keep fighting until the bitter end...
If this is the end she has chosen, it is my responsibility to see it through with her.
Isn't that so... Emperor of Adrestia?
We have no choice but to destroy each other... Such is the destiny we were born to.
That is why... I will now rise up to answer her iron will with the bite of my lance.
ドゥドゥー: ……あなたの命は必ず守ります。生きて帰りましょう……陛下。
Dedue: I will protect you at all costs. We will both live to see tomorrow... Your Majesty.
フェリクス: フン……ここで王が倒れては、父や兄の死の意味が失われようというものだな。
Felix: Hmph. If the king falls here, that would mean my father's and brother's deaths were in vain.
アッシュ: ロナート様、義兄さん、みんな……。僕は、絶対に負けません。
Ashe: For Lonato, Christophe, everyone... I will not lose!
シルヴァン: まあ、こんなところで死のうもんなら、兄上にも申し訳が立たないし、な。
Sylvain: Well, if I were to die now, I'd have a lot to explain to my brother.
メルセデス: 先生、ディミトリ、みんな……。大丈夫よ。きっと勝てるわ~。
Mercedes: All will be OK. I know we can win!
アネット: どんな相手だろうと、あたしは絶対怯んだりしない……!
Annette: I won't falter, no matter who we're facing!
イングリット: この戦いで命を落としていった人々のために……負けるわけにはいきません!
Ingrid: For all those who have lost their lives in this war... We cannot lose!
Byleth: 勝とう! Let's win this!
ディミトリ: ……ああ。行こう、最後の戦いだ!
Dimitri: It is time. Onward, to our final battle!
覇骸エーデルガルト: ……来たか。我が歩みは何人たりと止められない。
Hegemon Edelgard: They are here... But my progress cannot be stopped, no matter how many people try.
The war's end will spell destruction for one of us. There can only be one ruler of the world...